*我已確認以上所有資料皆為正確。 I have confirmed that all the above information is correct.
*我確認以上電郵地址可接收郵件。 (如以上電郵地址未能接受郵件,將無法接收得獎訊息,得獎訊息及機票不設補發。) I confirm that the above email is able to receive emails. (If the above email address is unable to receive emails, you will not receive the prize notification, and the prize notification and tickets will not be reissued.)
*我已同意大灣區航空將使用個人資料進行用作聯絡參加者及領獎時核實身份之用。 I have agreed that Greater Bay Airlines can use my personal details for the purpose of contacting participants and verifying identities when claiming prizes.
*我已同意個人資料和提交的資料將用於大灣區航空直接營銷目的。 I have agreed that my personal information and the information I have submitted will be used by Greater Bay Airlines for direct marketing purposes.
*我已閱讀並同意條款及細則 及 大灣區航空的 私隱政策。 I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Greater Bay Airlines' Privacy Policy.
*我已確認以上所有資料皆為正確,一旦確認,不能修改。 I have confirmed that all the above information is correct. Once confirmed, it cannot be changed.